Welcome The Workout!!!

Attracting new members to your gym is often as easy as a savvy promotion. Keeping people in the gym is vital to building a solid and happy clientele.

Using a business method on the floor is just the thing to keeping customers coming. One of the top methods of goal management is SMART goals. Applying this to a workout means creating realistic goals for both you and your clients and satisfaction for all.

Here's an example of a typical client and how to apply SMART goals.

Laurie is a 46-year-old banker, mom of 2, with only a little time after work to come in once or twice a week. She's unhappy with her energy level and feels self-conscious about lingering baby weight.

For Laurie, you'd want to create a plan that allows for her schedule.

Specific – Laurie's would like to walk the entirety of Prescott Park without fatiguing.

Measurable – Laurie should expect to lose 2 inches in her tummy.

Assignable – She will need to work out 2 days a week at Local Gym and go for a walk with her children the other days.

Realistic – This is achievable with an ab routine and cardio sessions.

Time-related – This goal is achievable in 6 months.

Developing methods to help your clients meet their goals is pivotal in creating an environment that they would like to come back to. Learning your client's desires and size will help you keep track of them, entering stats into your database. Being able to give gentle reminders, rewards and encouragement will change the dialogue. Keeping the conversation open will help keep members active.

While you focus on the everyday management and relationships with clients, it's important you have software to handle the things that are vital for running your gym. Contact us today to learn how MIS can help you spend more time building relationships with your customers.